Het Actiefonds:

Lombokstraat 40
1094 AL Amsterdam
The Netherlands


+31 (0)20 6279661

NL 46 TRIO 0338622039

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About us

Het Actiefonds is an organisation that supports the struggle for a sustainable and socially just world in which people and the environment are more important than economic interests for over 55 years. We do so by financially supporting grassroots activists and social movements all over the world.

General information

What we do

Het Actiefonds is independent and revolutionary. We are a fund for activism. Since 1968 we have been raising funds among individual donors to finance activists globally who share our vision of a just and sustainable society.

Bottom-up social change

Everywhere across the globe people fight against injustice and oppression, and fight for their rights. Whether it is about climate change, land rights or anti-racism, they organise themselves as social movements because that is the best, and sometimes the only way to change the ruling order. These activists work locally, for their own community, region or country, but they are part of a bigger struggle for a better world. They are the ones who actively fight for change and in so doing keep the hope alive that change is really possible.


Het Actiefonds has supported these social movements and activists, anywhere in the world, since 1968. We finance their actions, such as demonstrations or strikes, and draw attention to their political goals. Specifically grassroots groups with limited financial means of their own can count on our support. In this way we contribute to inspiring hope and the struggle for a better world. By not accepting subsidies from governments and corporations we remain entirely independent. We owe it exclusively to private donors that we can deliver our contribution to world-wide change.

Do you agree with this vision? Consider becoming a donor! Thanks to your donations we are able to continue supporting social movements that are fighting for a better world.