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Taking to the streets for affordable housing


ACTION • Demonstration against Berlin housing crisis


Mass demonstration for affordable housing in Berlin

housing demonstration - housing rights - referendum

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On 1 June 2024, more than 12 000 people filled the streets of Berlin to demand the right to affordable housing. Over the past decades, Berlin’s average rent has doubled, while wages have remained the same. Many Berliners are spending an increasing share of their income on rent, and some are even forced to leave the city. Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen, together with an alliance of other Berlin housing rights organisations, teamed up to tackle the structural housing crisis.


Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen is fighting to democratise Berlin’s housing market. They advocate the expropriation of real estate companies that own more than 3,000 flats in Berlin. The expropriated flats would be managed through a public institution, which would be governed with democratic participation from the city council, the tenants and the Berlin Senate. 

In 2021, Deutsche Wohnen & Co submitted a proposal for this expropriation law to the Berlin Senate by referendum. 59.1% of Berlin voters expressed their preference for this proposal. The referendum should be binding, but the Senate continues to delay and obstruct the writing of an applicable law.

Therefore, Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen is now writing its own bill, which they want to get approved again by a binding referendum. This will require a major mobilisation. The demonstration on 1 June 2024 was a good start to show Berlin’s politicians the broad dissatisfaction with the current housing market, and to motivate tenants to vote for the upcoming second referendum. Berlin residents are fed up with paying more and more for the profit of a few real estate companies! They are taking to the streets for a liveable city, and against all real estate companies that are only after profit.

In addition, Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen is active in all Berlin neighbourhoods to assist tenants and organise themselves in their struggle for the long-term democratisation of the Berlin housing market. Het Actiefonds is proud to support this large-scale and successful initiative, and stands in solidarity with every struggle for liveable and affordable cities. Because housing is a right!