Het Actiefonds:

Lombokstraat 40
1094 AL Amsterdam
The Netherlands


+31 (0)20 6279661

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Mobilisation to vote against a corrupt and fascist president in Colombia


ACTION • Combat the corrupt government in Colombia


Caldera Gráfica Crew mobilizes against fascism and for change in the presidential elections of 2022 in Colombia.

antifascism - corruption - elections

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In the upcoming second round of the Presidential elections in Colombia, on the 19th of June 2022, the Colombian people have to choose beween Gustavo Petro, who represents a new government and a possibility of change, and Rodolfo Hernandez, who’s election would mean the continuation of the current corrupt government, supported by the fascist party. The graphic and politically engaged collective Caldera Gráfica Crew mobilizes people to go vote for change.


In lots of different ways the collective takes up public space to motivate participation in voting for the second round of the presidential election. They organize neighborhood meetings and cultural events to inspire people to see themselves as political agents, to make clear that every vote against fascism counts. Het Actiefonds supports any combat against corruption and fascism, and helps Caldera Gráfica Crew to make people vote for change!

Picture: mural made by Caldera Gráfica Crew.